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Everyone's selfish machine

Today I learnt how selfish can a person could be. even when you are in hand having a noblest job in the world. Well, today's present had make me a very selfish person to think that EVERYONE IS SELLING FISHES. yes, indelibly YES. I made my mind think since the 1M1S Camp 2 days ago. the way everyone act. i can't imagine i'm going to vocational school, there's not even a single person care about me in the hostel. i can't stand my self right now , imagine worst thing could happen there. 

Today MRSM Trankrian held an Open Day. Our skol was invited to see their exhibition and other skols as well. First, I had a very bad stomach ache at skol. Like seriously, I never hurt with that kind of stomach pain. Najihan was not there :( cause she got no one to pick her up from skol. Of she was there, she would help me. At least, My friends are there * sort of *   huh. Thanks for caring my dearest friends :) You guys asked 
" Zam, hang kenapa ? sakit perut ke " and i was like " yup, sakit sangat " . and then "Pi la amik ubat kat cikgu"
and I was like, I can barely walk with my feet, my stomach hurt soo badly. " Sapa2 tolong pegi amik kat cikgu boleh tak "    NOOO ONE HELP !

soo, aku pun gagah pi mintak ubat kt teacher. terkedek2 la, perut aku sakit sangat. aku jalan dengan sengetnya and muka pucat masam. well, i'll try to fake a smile and just raise my hand like a hello sign. So, there i am at Teacher's lab. I asked any meds for stomach pain, minyak apa pn boleh. She said, there's none. tnya cikgu lain. And then, I struggle my self to find cikgu yang bertugas. In front of the lab, about 5 feet from there. It seriously hurt, even ten times than menstruation. I sit down, and cry cause it hurt so much. Until a teacher care to say WHY to me.

and then my stomach is still in pain. I still want to go to MRSM. how idiotic is me. Perut sakit tak sedar diri. cikgu dah cakap, Tak payah la, " nanti perut hang sakit lagi macam mana, hang jangan menangis  "  and i was like FINE. saya tanggung sendiri. And yeaa, I missed the MRSM bus, so pergi dengan cikgu la :) sampai MRSM, apa pn x dpt. LUCKILY, i met my BFF ;) Que . she was kind enough to help me. I'm suppose to visit the exhibition. Well no, its too much pain. i had to rest. I feel like i want to go home so badly, cause it hurt so much. Cikgu dah cakap earlier, kat tempat orang jangan susahkan orang kt tempat orang. Well, DUMB me. For being such a stuborn. So, i think hard to avoid SUSAHKAN cikgu. I called my sis and just inform the teachers. 

the end. how realistic

yeaa, and my so called boyfriend . such a douchebag :P he don't care anywy. i left my bike at skol, and do he care to call wat's up. NO. do he missed me ? NO. He forgot. i hate when this stupid part. when he's gone, there's always big trouble around me and proving that he's not by my side. 

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