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I love taylor swift she's soo beautiful teheee ;* anywy, i miss bloggie and those bloggie earthlings. Missing visiting their kawai blog ;) sorry i'm super busy woman with extraordinary stuff to do everyday. AS IF ! i got plenty of time. to do everything just that I'm super Lazy ;) I only reading some blog that have sarcasm words and meaningful stuff to share, not all those pests blogger who just wanted to impress and expect people to click your add or nuffnang. I miss Nabila the antagonist's blog , Syazwanie's blog, Zafirah Amani's blog. They all great people with great perspective thoughts. Pests blogger better you realize copy kittens isn't good :) and who can do great tuto and just wanted to impress people with how many follower do you got. just go to hell. Blog is for sharing and express not to impress ;)

anywy, how's everyone life going ? formspring me and tell me what happen. write a long text inbox. I'll be grateful to hear every inch of words and don't worry I'll catch you my dears ;) like I always do ;* Okay tomorrow will be starting school holidays . YAY it sound so happy. But NO just NO ! teachers giving homework with no mercy. and PMR and SPM candy well striving for crazy cause we got Cuti-Cuti Belajar. its like summer school. fml when December comes I'll be jumping for joy. and all of these striving and struggling will be worth it. Insyallah if god wills :)

My mom will kill me after ward this. she cleaned my room when I was at skol today. that means BAAAD news coming. she might kick out me out of my room and no more privacy for me to call my sayang . ermm, did I forgot that he didn't like calling stuff. THE END Pulau Redang HERE i come ;) and i dunno this school trip will be fascinating or not . Wait and see. I usually hates school trip. and I never been snorkling before. so it might be FUN ;) and dad canceled my Ibadah Survival Camp tehee ! biggie thnks to The school trip and School Camp ! cause of those two reason I had my chance to escape the camp

Happy holidays everyone ;)

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