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Dear Azzad

Ouh dear my fav boyfie of all time start flash back and hope you realise

when was the last time you called me beautiful or pretty
The last compliment was on 30th December 2011 
and now the only compliment that I heard from you was 
about you sister. And I really can't stand it.

when was the last time you called me your princess,
I saw you and your sister texting, and you called her 
princess. and my mind assuming wat about me. am i
just your friend and a girl. The day that I posted that
my ex used to call me tht, then you called me Princess.
How excited was my heart, but then its only twice.
After that no more.

When was the last time we were happily talk publicly on fb
february 5 ;) how happy we are at tht time. Now,
do you see any wall post or wall to wall talking.
No. cause you hate it. besides, other people you can give
1001 reasons right to avoid. But me just me,just a simple LIKE
from you. 

Recall back the day you called me FAT,
I always look in the mirror and seeing mr. weight scale.
and I fink i look cool enough. But just cause you called 
me FAT. I starve my self. I ate only one meal a day.
I say good bye to my drugs chocolate. Its hurt to starve
but its more hurting loosing you.

Recall back the day you called me Selekeh,
my hijab awning always look decently bad. I know.
so everyday I ironed it 3 times. just to make it look
good enough. In fact, I failed to impress you.

Recall back our first outing together,
the day i wore make up. Nuril said i look fine
but you said seriously I'm fugly wearing make up,
you know what I do. I throw all my make up away.
all of them, don't care if its expensive or cheap. 

Recall back the day you said , i'm so simple
i need to wear make up. umm, I'm saving money
to buy all back the expensive light make up to suit me


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