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Bieber issue

okay BIEBER . OR JB or what ever beliebers called him . yes, i'm still a belieber but not those crazy ones. the ones who worship him too much like god . i'm still straight and mature to think he's only a person with a face popularity. some may thinks that he's an illuminati or free mansons or wat so ever bad devil. some may hate him so much. actually i just don't get it. okay la nnti I cakap english semua orang mengata aku bajet =.= seriously I tak paham why orang benci Justin Bieber so much. dia buat apa sampai you all nak cakap dia GAY ? lesbian ? dia tak kacau hidup you pun. at least he can sing, #kau ada ? 

I don't think he's illuminati. cmon celebrity malaysia pn buat sign ROCK illuminati tu, sbb they all tak taw yang its illuminati sign. lots of people dunno bout illuminati. Sapa yang pandai2 buat fitnah cakap jb said ; Fcuk Islam ??? HEYY jb never said that. for now, i'm not so big fan who know everything from him. I'm quite busy at time nak bukak Jbzone, Jbhood, ilyjb stuff. I tak de BB lagi , so twitter tak sempat nak hupdate hupdate status . nnti I ada msti 24-7 updated . nak berak pn I tweet taw, haha. 

i have one issue with this one EX beliebers. dia transform pegi kpop. HEBOH sana sini macam #jubuq ayam tawu tak ? lepas masuk KPOP fitnah fitnah bieber . tak baik taw. tak baik sentuh isu agama walaupn nak fitnah bieber. not nice la kawan ;) dah la kau curi gmba orang then mengaku muka kau, cakap pegi konsert my world tour -.- haha, cakap jb follow kau, I dah perhati semua. thts all lie. still don't get it, apa yg you dapat kalau tipu-tipu ? nak bagi orang impress ryte ? serius kau comel budak darjah lima ;) I suka rambut you. tapi kau suka tipu orang, jadi diri sendiri pn mesti best. tengok mcm I, apa-apa rahsia orang tak nak kasi tawu I , sbb ingat nnti I sebarkan. well, hate to admit mmng time skolah rendah mcm tu. now no one trust me ;) orang ingat I LOUD person suka sebar-sebar benda. tak lah I simpan banyak rahsia orang yang kebanyakkan I sendiri lupa. I had fun to be me, tak suka cover cover ni. depan bf pn tak cover ;)

sejak I kenal you #exbeliebermulutjuboqayam ;) aku cakap kpop semua plastik ! jyeahh. PONDAN ! I know, tak sepatutnya I act like that. my mom said ; orang baling taik, kite baling bunga ;) 
I don't want to waste my time on mocking others while me acting like shitty too. we're not perfect i know that ;)

kthanksbai iloveyou azzad
asslamualaikum ;)

much love,

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