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Diamond in a rough

almost 5am . got insomnia again . loool not thinking of anything just being happy now. so how are ya fellas. school will be start in 3 hours goshhh didn't do nothing yet. didn't brush my teeth yet. #malusangat heee. i always realise this and can't believe i have a very hot boyfriend . yeahh if aku nak forever pun suka hati lah, if god will then be it. goshh, i become so hatred to school since teacher aznor will stop teaching us. nothing will be interested after this :P hatehatehatehate. its easy to hate than love. but harder to love than hate. wat am i talking, it doesn't make sense at all loool. anywy, i fink haziq is reaching puberty yaayy ! he's voice is deeply changing and i can't stop laughing. and i always teasing him with his pimples and he said ; ni sebab gatai la. hahah he won't admit that. i'm stared to feeling old since i'm his aunt -.-

smacking dimples, i fink i started to hate DEE *not real name so shut up. she's so Harshhh -.- she's so gangster who do she thinks she is nak marah marah orang and all that yelling. you think your so perfect guess what your just pathetic. and stop talking about my hot boyfriend i know your jealous ;p teheee at least i lose weight #kau ada ? 

5.15 am gtg sleep kthanksbai, asslamualaikum wbt and salam satu Malaysia haha 

much love,

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