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i'm a damsel in distress

hello fellas, yeaaa. it have been a very long time i didn't update my blog. well, pmr is just around the corner. so, my nerves is effingly screaming for study right now. *sarcasm speaking. okay. miss a lot of things to write in blog yea i know. i'm just super lazy. but now, my keyboard is totally fucked up !

anywy, like i have followers looool. life is so fucked up torturing me now. with PMR ! goshhh like 30 days more or less till the big exam come. huumm, my fasting days didn't went so well. well, i thought this year will be fully fasting :'( sadly not. wat to blame, i'm a woman. and my eid mubarak, emmm. not so well after all. not so much duit raya this year :'( how sad is that. i'm a grown up woman, so i can't go beraya to unknown house like i did 5 years ago. I missed those days with lots of money.

the story that i want to share with mr.bloggie. huuumm, 3rd day of raya. I went to eqah's house. and my boyfie's friends house. i'm wearing a dress, that i bought special just for raya. it was perfect and effingly beautiful. then i got back home, i'm wearing a pair of legging inside that long dress. so, i took of the legging cause uncomfy. after that, i went of to shop lots to buy top up for my phone. i'm riding my bike, yeaa girl with a dress wearing a bike. its 7.15pm almost time for maghrib, my mom always said don't go out when its maghrib. yeaa. i'm a stuborn lil child. and it is my need for that top up. i fastly when to the shop lots, then when i'm otw going back home. my dress was like flowing so beautiful in the air, just like the malaysia's flag. then, it stuck in my bike disc break. and half of my dress tore. zomgeee, and i'm just wearing my underwear. and people just pass that road and looking at me.

luckily, my mom friend live in front of the odd tragedy. and she saved me. brought me kain to cover my sexiness. and her husband was there too -.-' and the things went off like this

mak cik ; potong la kain ni. dah tak boleh pakai la hanis. dah koyak rabak
me : tanak. nnti mak marah, baju ni mahal
mak cik : takkan la mak nak marah. makcik call mak hang  taw. 
(she called my mom)
Mak cik : mak  hg suruh potong je.
Me : tanak ! boleh je tarik drpd disc break ni
Mak cik : tak boleh. baju ni esok buang je
Me : ye la, potong je la.

and she cut my dress. and i still believe i can sew that dress. i'm still sewing it now. don't stop believing baby. Never say NEVER ! i still can fix it, though it hve been tore to 10 pieces :(

and forgot to wish you guys

credit to the rightful owner of this pic. and edited by me :)  

much love,

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