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Ring a bell ?

now playing - one step at a time

miss me ? haha like i have readers. PMR is finally over. i promised my self to blog as much as i can. and do lots of activity. look at me now, busy preparing for next year syllabus. haha jk. who did those boring stuff. okay, what i'm doing right now is throwing all those form 1, 2 and 3 papers. okay 1/3 of them are unused exercises. any pmr candy next year who don't have much money to buy books and stuff but really interested in study hard. please call me. i need those kinds of users. instead of giving it to lazy bloody people who spend time in front of the internet. oppsss #thatsme. one more thing, think about those trees. they been cut down for those papers and they are very useful for your studies. really interested ? contact me here 

i feel like i left abonded those shit papers . it felt like, i answered PMR 3 months ago. but its not. 6 days past. and i bloody hell feel like 3 months, skol is really effingg. with those bitches and assholes. i really really can't stand them. okay to be continue in the next post. i must sleep at 11 :) now its ten. prepare for skol tmrw. HAD TO ! bubye salam sayang <3

much love,

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