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Grande relevan

today's test -
The temperature in side class gone bad. Like eff hot. I don't bring any china 50 cent fan. cause I forget about it. Its kinda hard to focus on a paper while the temperature absorbs on ur head and making you headache ;) History kmt ! i think i might failed but please don't. A b will make me satisfied enough with my result. That what you get when you study to the very last minute. emm, actually the only thing in my head at the moment was SCIENCE ! so, i accidently forgot there's gonna be a history test . Lets just hope and pray to Allah that I'm not gonna fail. 

today's issue -
well. I never handle this kind of prob. Cause my blog have no popularity, just a simple blog to write what happen and what I love . Copy Kittens or it real name is mr/mrs/miss copy cat. Poor aina and other people who had been robbery by those copy kittens. These copy kittens are not good cat at all. they all nasty and baaaddd. They are ringworm cat that never take a bath for a week. I gave people who ever wanna copy my words or header go ahead. Cause I don't care and I don't have header loool. People who have been victim of robbery, please be strong someday Larry Page kill them or sent those copy ringworm kittens to jail. and we as nice bloggers live happily ever after ;) 

Virus -
I went home with Azzad yippy. he's soo sweet. such a long time, i didn't go home with him. He's sooo cute at time. well, look at his girl. but there still possibilities it was a hypotheses act of him. who knew, I can't read his heart. But it keep me smiley face . yea, so if it just an act. I love the way you lie sayang. But I think it came straight from he's bottom heart, saying Iloveyou and muaaahh to me. lets just hope so.
one more thing, his sister block me ;) awwwhhh isn't she sweeet.

pee / ass : 
click this -------> on my sidebar. to leave  your link in the shoutbox
I'm sick, pray for me to be better ! Amin

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