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Got MC for 3 days. Happy ? not so. Excited ? no. Why ? cause its exam week and I hate doing exam alone after this, but what can I do. I'm sick and fever :( and even going online giving me headache ;P humm, boring day. I had to take 10 happy pills 3 times per day. efffing . and then I go to sleep. Then, Shahmy bothers me. I helped him with Geo. 

Laying in bed and keep thinking. how's school going without me ? I know their habit when I'm not coming to school. Fitnah aku, kutuk aku :) well, that how 3B rules. with the bad aspuries that couldn't leave their mouth shut. and I've heard geo is eff hard ! and I dun want another visit to next class and humiliate my self . 
better study hard after I get well. 

have a great day aspuries by saying bad things about me and also SHE who saying I'm lazy peace yaw 

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